Dale Engelson Sessa
LOVE AFTER LOVE - by Dale A. Sessa – 2023/2024
There have been many.
Men I mean.
Over a lifetime of years.
Each one offered conversation, companionship and romance. Some even bestowed true and essential LOVE but we’ll save that epic word for later.
Where are all those men of mine you might ask?
I tired of most and moved on after varying periods of time but three of the very best ones so regrettably passed away, one of the three leaving a hole in my heart never to be refilled. But I digress.
Now in this stage of my life yet nonetheless wanting (possibly needing more than ever) romance and bodily attention, I have decided to write this brief narrative for those of you of a certain age who might find yourselves in a similar evacuated condition. You who have for a whole multitude of reasons, become removed from husbands and/or boyfriends and perhaps feel that love has passed you by. I am writing this piece to impart to you that you must never be afraid of change.
Are you spending your valuable days thinking about bolting from your previous life? Well, please know that you can either leave it behind or enjoy the present where certainly -- without any doubt in my mind, we women deserve a vital place at the table.
So here we go…
The bottom line and perhaps what I want to get off my chest right now is this:
Although you have possibly aged, your body continues to require attention and perhaps approval. Furthermore, it is not only rewarding but quite wonderfully satisfying when it does inherit this kind of sensual indulgence… when you encourage a man -- allow him to prove to you – to validate that your body is not only astounding but a desirable entity. BECAUSE IT IS.
I have encountered such men and this revelation has opened up my world in a way that has helped me to have a new outlook and attitude… to come alive physically, emotionally and in other numerous and significant ways.
Our bodies are no longer simply the wrinkles and creases we might observe when drying off from showers. We must also realize that those unwelcome flawed surfaces that have settled here and there on our fleshy parts are surely not as noticeable to him as they are to us. And certainly, our eyes are not nearly as puffy when they twinkle at his pleasurable stories and our own personal tales that we now can confidently and easily share with him. Conversations with a kind and comfortable gentleman can be profoundly arousing. Our newly-found magnetism and charm will serve to mask the imprint of age that is commonly visible solely to ourselves.
Most certainly ladies, it’s undoubtedly a conundrum. But additional unravelling promises to follow here… hopefully more succinctly:
Want to feel young again? Want to feel attractive, desired, appreciated? Then let go of the doubts – the ones blanketing the earlier years that are currently worthy of your overall merit, your value. You need to feel newly confident; secure, open and proud.
Try giving yourselves up to a newly discovered man who might be slightly or even extremely different than any or all of those who came before him. You’ll likely discover that this gesture alone will be transforming and you’ll not only doubt the experience; you may rather value it.
AND… YOU’LL APPRECIATE HAVING SEX AGAIN just when you thought you’d forgotten how to, perhaps even doubted whether or not your equipment still worked – or all the more so surmised that your private parts had possibly become inoperative. Of course, this new situation is likely to be different… the sex… but you might discover as have I, that perchance it could be the reverse – possibly encountering the best love-making positions you’d earlier experienced. Of course, the sexual act for our newly minted, untethered woman will assuredly be unlike the past and yet possibly a more enthusiastic version than that of your previously years. In all probability this time around, you won’t be distracted while making love. Instead, you may find yourself performing within a new region of your body and your mind – no longer worrying about tomorrow’s dinner menu or the sheets that need changing. And you might even find yourself surprisingly aroused in virgin places and positions. I certainly know I have.
Your life, no doubt much like mine, surely might be changing. If you do decide to let go of your doubts and fears, you may offer yourself up more completely; even find that your heart is turning into that of a younger woman, one with new girlish feelings because HE has made you feel safe, seen and protected. Your lungs might spiral into such an uninhibited place that you’ll hardly be able to breathe… so empty of fear, so fully concentrating on how you’re meant to feel as you sense and focus on that private domain below your waist.
INTIMACY and COMPASSION are everything to a woman’s aging body. Since I have discovered this and accepted it as being so terribly-important, I would give up almost everything I have to secure and protect this new sensibility: my clothing, my beloved books, my good body parts, my framed art, my furniture, my arms, my heart. You see… I truly not only want but desire these things. In fact, I need these things. I choose this new, sexy, aged life. If not now—When?
What are our options, I ask my most adept female friends? Spending weekends in our jammies watching TV in our comfy bedroom chairs munching on chocolate bars? Reading the daily newspapers flipping through pages for anything sufficiently interesting to catch our eye? The fact is this: Being alone with these tedious actions is simply not enough. It’s ostensibly doing and feeling nothing from this non-functioning behavior of which we’ve become accustomed. I have the same old empty scars as you do; however, I am certain this unswerving existence is surely lacking positive, healthy behavior. WE MUST LET GO OF THE PAST AND ACTIVELY SEEK OUT A NEW VITAL SENSE and SPIRIT.
Like me, you surely have a family… grandchildren maybe. Haven’t we all thought a great deal about those relationships, perhaps exceedingly so? Well, I believe that this assigned role all by itself is insufficient. Yes -- even at this later stage of life, it’s just not ample and we must unhinge… free ourselves. We simply need more life on our shelves. We are not nearly ready to bury love – to say goodbye to holding our anatomy against the silhouette of relaxed bodies in order to experience that ever-significant hormonal rush.
I raise objections regarding it being unacceptable not to once again have this immediate new life. Don’t we worry enough about the rest of our days and our family’s future? There is no guilt or shame here as they will always know and appreciate how much they are loved, adored and protected. It’s just that there is more awaiting us; however, we must take steps to seek these things out – kind of like a low-ranking sports team not choosing to play a particular ballgame against an opposing competitor so noticeably admired as the fans’ favorite. Yet at the conclusion of the match, the underdogs might blissfully secure the win having vigorously fulfilled their consummate potential. Unsuspected chances and surprises occur in every single aspect of life.
I wonder if you happen to have control issues? I know I do but in my most current existence, this type of release seems to have slowly melted away. I’m definitely smiling more… and unmistakably unwinding. I’ve learned to enjoy and to appreciate this new life, my new story and you will too. Of this I continue to aspire and hope to continue remaining dearly hopeful.
I feel morally and justified in my views and actions although the purpose of this short story is aimed at women of a specified age, those who might feel undesirable, even despondent. Despite how you handle your future, the fact is you’re simply never too old! Numerous men you know or may come into contact with in the future may similarly face their own increasing years and no doubt some have lost their longtime wives or significant others and are living untangled and without joy while attempting to suppress their anxiety. Be sensitive to these gentlemen not at all unlike you requiring their kindness. The bottom line is there is no escape from the aging process and to live alone with fear is nothing short of living an empty life void not only of companionship but emblematic pleasure.
The above represents my personal set of circumstances and certainly my true and honest feelings. This is my outlook. These are my sincere sentiments, my heartfelt feelings and I have no shame whatsoever in sharing them with you before this year is soon to reach a close. If any of the above happens to interest or apply to you, please do your best to not only become involved but to enjoy the remaining days of 2024 with a new outlook and attitude. You have the upper hand -- the edge -- and possibly a new way of thinking with affection, fulfillment and a full plate to occupy the remainder of these days. Please be utterly positive and remember to step on the gas in the upcoming year.
Dale A. Sessa
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